August 28 final day

    Today was going to be another hot day, but not as hot as yesterday, so hooray! Back to being on our way and finishing our trip!
     We started riding at 8 am and again headed through corn and bean fields and only a few towns. We did have a little bit of light rain before we got into Eureka. We had planned to eat at a restaurant there that we had been to before, but now we were more eager to keep moving so just had a snack and continued on. We also took a break at a park in Morton before picking up the paved trail that took us down to the Illinois River, then crossed to Peoria. 
                    Bicycles Along the Path
    We did run into a road closure in Peoria, but this being fairly familiar territory for us, it was easy to come up with an alternative. We arrived at our endpoint, which was our son and family's house, a little before 3 pm, and were tickled to see our grandsons--they had a half-day of school.
Info about our trip:
Our trip was 40 days long.
We traveled 2090 miles
Where we stayed overnight: hotels/motels 18, Warm Shower Hosts 7, Camping 7, Friends and family 3, cabin 1, VBRO 1, community centers 2. 


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