September 12 A Shaded Ride on a Humid Day
Today we had planned to go to Williamsburg but with Kay not feeling the best waited to decide until after we got up and ate. Her diarrhea seemed improved, and as today was fairly flat and mainly on a paved trail, the Virginia Capital trail, we decided to try it. The possibility of rain was also predicted later in the day (but it never threatened to rain while we were riding). The trail usually went through trees and often had a forest on one side, so was usually shaded, which was helpful as it was humid and hot.
It was amazing to see some huge soybean fields and some corn fields which had already been picked. We also saw a number of logging trucks with utility-pole-length logs on them. We traveled by a number of historic plantations and lots and lots of historical plaques, about early settlers in the 1600's, the Revolutionary War, or the Civil War--we finally gave up on reading most of them or we wouldn't have made any forward progress!

Kay did well first 2/3 to 3/4 of the ride but developed abdominal discomfort during the last part, which turned out to be a lot of gas. We debated about going to urgent care but elected not to go as she wasn't vomiting, was non- feverish, her heart rate and balance were OK, and also we didn't want to be biking after dark. Even though she didn't have a fever or any respiratory symptoms, she did take a home COVID test, which was negative.
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