August 5 Fog

We got up earlier than normal as today was supposed to be quite hot.  However we began the day in some fog, so as we rode along our glasses got little droplets on them that made it harder to see.  Thankfully we were almost completely on very quiet roads until the fog lifted. Our flashing lights really helped us to be more visible. The air had a sensuous feel as you rode through it this morning, an amazing feeling. Two-thirds of today we spent on the Rock Island Trail which is the first rail trail in Illinois. 
Trestle over the Spoon River (as in Spoon River Anthology)
We went from the beginning all the way to the end in downtown Peoria. In Princeville, we passed up the ice cream stand in favor of the bakery next door, since we had eaten so much ice cream lately! 
We had a pleasant end to the ride as we are staying with family and seeing them for a few days.     


  1. Sounds like it was a wonderful day! Stay safe in the fog - glad you have lights and take all the safety measures.


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