August 14 walk to church and a route change
We were pretty exhausted last night after a little bit higher mileage day and also due to arriving later than usual due to time for repairs, so we took today off to worship, take it easy, and catch up on things. Shortly after the morning rain finished, we walked to a church about one and a half miles away. Oaks Church is part of a network of about 15 churches scattered around the country whose ministry focus is on planting churches and reaching people in university towns. It was amazing to find out from their website that 41 people uprooted their lives and careers in 2015 to move about 75 miles to plant this church. It was an upbeat service and the two of us were about the oldest or close to the oldest people worshipping. The teaching was from the first few verses of Second Timothy about being encouraging to others, having confidence about our faith and having courage in talking about Jesus. We got lunch from a nearby Kroger and ate in our hotel room, then worked on routes part of the afternoon.
Back in Peoria, we were wondering about how the flooding in eastern Kentucky might have affected our route. Then we got an email from Adventure Cycling recommending we not go through eastern Kentucky, and as we had already tried to look at what roads were closed in the area, thought that was wise. So because of that we are taking a different route that continues across central Ohio instead of going south into Kentucky from near Dayton. Then we will be going to Pittsburgh and head down the Great Allegany Passage which goes from Pittsburgh to Cumberland, MD. We have not yet decided if then we will take the C&O canal partway and then do Skyline Drive south to where we would join the route east to Yorktown, or go all the way down the C&O canal to DC and take a mapped route in the tidewater region to Yorktown.
Glad you changed your route. My brother lives in Western Kentucky and he said the East side has been quite devastated! Travel safely!