Monday May 30 Rockport to Colonial Creek Campground
Woke a little bit after five, it was raining pretty hard so went back to bed and didn't get up till after six. Had an exciting breakfast of tortillas with either cheese or peanut butter. It was still raining when we left. As we left our cabin Jim stopped for a moment to turn on his odometer and Kay kept riding. She got a fair distance ahead of Jim who could just see her a few times or the next mile or two and then he did not see her. He pedaled about 10 miles or so looking for her and never saw her again. Meanwhile, Kay stopped at the church we had worshipped at to wait for Jim there. As he didn't come along she started back to see if he had some trouble as she had the tools. She got all the way back to the driveway of the resort without finding him Had Jim turned off to go to the ranger station? But we had talked about going to the visitor center farther along instead. So she pedaled on past the church up the road. At one point she tried to call and text even though she had heard Jim say that morning that he was putting his phone on airplane mode. Jim decided to see if he had cell phone reception even though we were in a very narrow valley with mountains on both sides. He texted Kay then I called right away and she picked up. What we figured out must have happened is that as Kay walked her bike over to the entrance which had a roof, Jim went by without seeing her there. Jim ride back a couple miles to meet her. So we both got 4-5 miles extra today. Rejoice we didn't get upset with one another. The first two thirds of today's route was a gradual uphill incline and the last third was a much more intense uphill. It also had two tunnels The first one had a button for bicyclists to press that turned on flashers and a warning sign that bicyclists we're in the tunnel and also reduced the speed limit. So we were looking for the button as we approached the next one and found this one was very short so didn't need it. We got to the campground, set up camp and then took a 4.5 mile walk up and down Thunder Knob that had a beautiful view over Diablo Lake and also of a number of mountains with a lot of snow on top of them. We saw our first Western Tanager and Hammond's Flycatcher. We identified them by a combination of sighting and their song. One picture is our beautiful campsite with cedar and Douglas fir next to Diablo Lake.
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