> > We got some packing done a few days ahead of time, but had to do the bulk of our packing today because the busyness of work and life. What made it especially challenging was all the different things that we had to pack for, which required a variety of items. Tent camping, family reunion activities, family photo, multi-day road trip, national park hikes and our bike trip. To add to the challenge Jim had discovered his accreditation was due to expire on the trip. So also squeezed in amongst the preparations, he quick did some online courses and renewed his accreditation. We had also found out that today was the first day we could vote in the August primary, so also squeezed in were reviews about candidates and ballot proposals and a trip to city hall to vote. > > So got car all packed and then spent another 1/2 hour picking raspberries one last time, so with a very full car finally left about 5 pm for Cran-Hill Ranch. ...