Sugar River State Trail, Wisconsin

It was a beautiful Saturday morning when we took our three grandsons ages Andrew(11), Ben(8) and Caleb(6) on a bike ride on the Sugar River Trail located about 25 miles from their home in Madison. Jim got the bikes all loaded on their family van and away we went. After getting the bikes unloaded at the trailhead, a trip to the restroom for all, and buying trail passes for us grownups, off we went down the trail. Kay rode her hybrid road bike, the two oldest each rode their own bike and the youngest was on a tag-along behind JIm on his mountain bike. Early on, we had deja vu when we came upon a tree down across the trail from the previous night's storm and had to carry our bikes over it. [two years ago on our family bike trip on a different trail in Wisconsin, there were numerous trees down across the trail from the previous night's storm]. Thankfully, that was the only one. The trail was unpaved, much of it wooded and often had...